(September 2, 1931 – July 24, 2010) was a French actress.
Veronique Silver has worked in more than forty films. It began in 1954 under the direction of Sacha Guitry in Si Versailles me counted. She attracts the attention of all in the role of Madame Jouve The Woman Next Door, in 1981, a beautiful film by Francois Truffaut starring Fanny Ardant and Gerard Depardieu .
Veronique Silver has worked with great directors like Claude Miller , Alain Renais , Jacques Pinoteau Jacques Doillon ... Elle assiste à l'éclosion du talent de Vanessa Paradis dans Noce Blanche . She attends the outbreak of the talent of Vanessa Paradis in Noce Blanche.
Recently, she played the role of a client of the marriage bureau in I find very beautiful, the first film as a director of Isabella Mergault . She turned her last film in 2007 under the direction of Noemie Lvovsky Is it dance.
She was the wife of the actor Henry Virlojeux, died in 1995.
- 1954 : Si Versailles m'était conté..., directed by Sacha Guitry, with Michel Auclair, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Jean-Louis Barrault, Bourvil, Claudette Colbert and Gino Cervi
- 1957 : Méfiez-vous fillettes, directed by Yves Allégret, with Robert Hossein, Antonella Lualdi and Gérard Oury
- 1958 : Les Amants de Montparnasse, directed by Jacques Becker, with Gérard Philipe, Lilli Palmer, Gérard Séty, Lino Ventura and Anouk Aimée
- 1960 : Première brigade criminelle, directed by Maurice Boutel, with Dora Doll, Jacques Dumesnil, Jacqueline Joubert and Howard Vernon
- 1961 : Les Moutons de Panurge, directed by Jean Girault, with Darry Cowl and Pascale Roberts
- 1965 : Moi et les hommes de 40 ans, directed by Jacques Pinoteau, with Dany Saval, Paul Meurisse and Michel Serrault
- 1971 : Mais ne nous délivrez pas du mal, directed by Joël Séria, with Jeanne Goupil and Michel Robin
- 1977 : La Communion solennelle, directed by René Féret, with Patrick Fierry, Marcel Dalio and Myriam Boyer
- 1977 : Dites-lui que je l'aime, directed by Claude Miller, with Gérard Depardieu, Miou-Miou, Claude Piéplu, Dominique Laffin and Christian Clavier
- 1978 : La Part du feu, directed by Étienne Périer, with Michel Piccoli, Claudia Cardinale, Jacques Perrin, Rufus and Gabriel Cattand
- 1978 : La Jument vapeur, directed by Joyce Buñuel, with Carole Laure and Pierre Santini
- 1978 : La Tortue sur le dos, directed by Luc Béraud, with Jean-François Stévenin and Bernadette Lafont
- 1980 : Mon oncle d'Amérique, directed by Alain Resnais, with Gérard Depardieu, Nicole Garcia, Roger Pierre, Nelly Borgeaud, Henri Laborit and Pierre Arditi
- 1981 : Et pourtant elle tourne..., directed by François Raoul-Duval, with Victor Garrivier
- 1981 : La Femme d'à côté, directed by François Truffaut, with Fanny Ardant, Gérard Depardieu, Henri Garcin and Michèle Baumgartner
- 1982 : La Passante du Sans-Souci, directed by Jacques Rouffio, with Romy Schneider and Michel Piccoli
- 1982 : Toute une nuit, directed by Chantal Akerman, with Aurore Clément
- 1983 : Le Destin de Juliette, directed by Aline Issermann, with Richard Bohringer and Laure Duthilleul
- 1983 : L'Archipel des amours, directed by Jean-Claude Biette and Cécile Clairval
- 1983 : La vie est un roman, directed by Alain Resnais, with Vittorio Gassman, Ruggero Raimondi and Geraldine Chaplin
- 1983 : Ballade à blanc, directed by Bertrand Gauthier, with Roland Bertin and Didier Flamand
- 1984 : Blanche et Marie, directed by Jacques Renard, with Sandrine Bonnaire, Miou-Miou and Gérard Klein
- 1984 : Stress, directed by Jean-Louis Bertucelli, with Guy Marchand and André Dussollier
- 1985 : Le Mystère Alexina, directed by René Féret, with Philippe Vuillemin, Valérie Stroh and Marianne Basler
- 1986 : Le Chien, directed by Jean-François Gallotte, with Micheline Presle and Jean-Luc Bideau
- 1987 : Poussière d'ange, directed by Édouard Niermans, with Bernard Giraudeau, Fanny Bastien, Fanny Cottençon, Jean-Pierre Sentier and Michel Aumont
- 1987 : Où que tu sois, directed by Alain Bergala, with Mireille Perrier and Elsa Lunghini
- 1988 : La Maison de jade, directed by Nadine Trintignant, with Jacqueline Bisset, Vincent Pérez and Fred Personne
- 1989 : Noce blanche, directed by Jean-Claude Brisseau, with Vanessa Paradis, Bruno Cremer and Ludmila Mikaël
- 1990 : Final, short film directed by Irène Jouannet
- 1990 : Il y a des jours... et des lunes, directed by Claude Lelouch, with Gérard Lanvin, Patrick Chesnais, Annie Girardot, Francis Huster, Vincent Lindon and Philippe Léotard
- 1991 : Aujourd'hui peut-être..., directed by Jean-Louis Bertucelli, with Giulietta Masina, Éva Darlan and Jean Benguigui
- 1992 : Les Enfants du naufrageur, directed by Jérôme Foulon, with Brigitte Fossey, Jacques Dufilho, Michel Robin and Jean Marais
- 1992 : Le Mirage, directed by Jean-Claude Guiguet, with Fabienne Babe
- 1993 : Attitudes short film directed by Éva Darlan, with Isabelle Renauld and Micky Sébastian
- 1994 : Du fond du cœur, directed by Jacques Doillon, with Anne Brochet, Benoît Régent and Thibault de Montalembert
- 1996 : Le Cœur fantôme, directed by Philippe Garrel, with Luis Rego, Maurice Garrel, Roschdy Zem and Valeria Bruni Tedeschi
- 1996 : Les Frères Gravet, directed by René Féret, with Jacques Bonnaffé, Jean-François Stévenin, Robin Renucci and Pierre-Loup Rajot
- 1999 : Les Passagers, directed by Jean-Claude Guiguet, with Bruno Putzulu
- 2005 : Je vous trouve très beau, directed by Isabelle Mergault, with Michel Blanc, Medeea Marinescu and Wladimir Yordanoff
- 2007 : Faut que ça danse !, directed by Noémie Lvovsky, with Jean-Pierre Marielle, Valeria Bruni Tedeschi, Sabine Azéma and Bulle Ogier
To see more of who died in 2010 click here
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