Vlad Radescu actor confirmed to REALITATEA.TV, sad news: it seems that happened Sunday at noon. Gentlemen was ailing for some time, have a very serious condition column, was operating twice. Vlad Radescu worked for ten years with Mrs. Lucia Muresan, Faculty of Spiru Haret University Theatre, where the actress was Dean: "We received this news with great sadness, has left a great void. She led the school for ten years, a recognized school, which already drew generations of artists. "
cia Muresan was born on January 31, 1938. After graduating from Theatre and Film Institute, she was assigned to Piatra Neamt with the whole class, where they founded the Theatre Department. După un an, Mureşan a plecat la Cluj şi, ulterior, a dat examen la Teatrul Nottara din Bucureşti. After a year, Muresan went to Cluj and then passed an examination in Nottara Theater of Bucharest.
Lucia Mureşan a jucat în peste 100 de spectacole de teatru, pe scenă, teatru radiofonic şi de televiziune şi în circa 15 filme. Lucia Muresan played over 100 performances of theater, stage, theater, television and radio in about 15 movies. A jucat în filme precum "Still Center/ Buricul pământului", de Carina Tautu (2005), "Raport despre starea naţiunii", de Ioan Cărmăzan (2004), "Une place parmi les vivants", de Raoul Ruiz (2003), "Divorţ... din dragoste", de Andrei Blaier (1991) şi în seriale de televiziune - "Corps et âmes" (2003) şi "Natures mortes" (2000). He starred in films such as "Still Center / belly land" by Carina Tautu (2005), "Report on the state of the nation", by John Cărmăzan (2004), "Une les vivants like parma, by Raoul Ruiz (2003)," divorce ... in love ", by Andrei Blaier (1991) and television series -" Corps et Ames (2003) and "Natures MORTES" (2000).
She was married for 40 years by photographer John Miclea, known as the photographer Nicolae Ceausescu.
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