Jacqueline "Jackie" Burroughs was an English-born Canadian actress died from stomach cancer , 71.
(February 2, 1939 – September 22, 2010)
In 2024, we've experienced the loss of several luminaries in the world of entertainment. These beloved figures—actors, comedians, musicians, singers, and coaches—have touched our lives with their talent, passion, and dedication. They've left an indelible mark on our hearts and shaped the world of entertainment in ways that will continue to inspire and influence generations to come. Among the incredible actors who bid farewell this year, we mourn the loss of a true chameleon who effortlessly.
(September 13, 1920 - September 21, 2010) |
(August 6, 1921 – September 19, 2010) |
Early Career Forrest Richard Betts was also known as Dickey Betts Betts collaborated with Duane Allman , introducing melodic twin guitar ha...