/ Stars that died in 2023

Sunday, May 30, 2010

José Albi, Spanish poet. has died he was , 88

José Albi Fita was a Spanish poet, literary critic, and translator . has died he was , 88.

(1922 – June 7, 2010)

He studied law at the University of Valencia and the University of Deusto, received a degree in philosophy and letters from the University of Saragossa, and a doctorate from the Central University of Madrid.

In the 1950s, inspired by a reading of Marinero en tierra by Rafael Alberti, he began to write poetry prolifically. His criticism appeared in the literary review Cuadernos literarios, which he founded in 1954. He is also noted for his collaboration with Joan Fuster in anthologizing the work of Ángel Crespo, Paul Éluard, and the Spanish surrealists.

As a poet Albi was popular both with critics and the general public, and received a number of awards. In 1957 he received his first significant honor, the Valencia Literature Prize, for Vida de un hombre. Other awards followed: the Gabriel Miró Prize for El silencio de Dios; a second Valencia Literature Prize in 1977, for Odisea 77; the Miguel Ángel de Argumosa Prize in 1978 for Elegía atlántica; and in 2002 the Valencian Letters Prize, awarded by the Generalitat Valenciana. Moreover, he served as honorary president of the Valencian Association of Writers and Literary Critics.

A broken arm

Amor lejano Distant love

Estrella de alta mar, márcame el rumbo... Sea star, Mark for the course ...

Definitiva soledad Final Loneliness

Soneto de la ausencia Sonnet of the absence

¿Y a ti que te diré, río del alma, cántaro de mi sed, jardín cerrado?... What I will tell you, river of soul, a pitcher of my thirst, enclosed garden? ...

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A brazo partido A broken arm

Llevo en los huesos tanto amor metido I've been in the bones got so much love
que sólo en carne viva ya bandazos, only raw and blows,
voy capeando el mar de estos dos brazos I weathering the seas of these two arms
entre los que me encuentro sometido. among which I am subjected.

No, no basta gritar, tomar partido, No, not enough to scream, take sides,
morir hasta caerse uno a pedazos; a die to fall apart;
hay que hundir a caricias ya zarpazos caresses must sink and claw
tu corazón, tu corazón vencido. your heart, your heart up.

Quiero daros la vida que me sobra, I give you life I have left,
y este amor que me arranca de los huesos. and this love that tears out of the bones.
Vuestro mi corazón, vuestra mi obra Your my heart, your my work

de compartir lo vuestro y nuestro y mío, to share what ours and yours and mine,
consumidos en cólera y en besos. consumed with anger and kisses.
Sólo a mi amor vuestro dolor confío. Only my love I hope your pain.

Amor lejano Distant love

Abro, de par en par, el viento, la ventana Open, wide, wind, window
y te contemplo, amor, voy contemplando todo lo que fue mío: and I look at you, love, I'm watching everything that was mine:
los almendros alegres todavía, almond happy yet
y el mar en los almendros, la luz en los almendros, and sea almond trees, the light in the almond
y más mar todavía allá a lo lejos. and more sea still there in the distance.
Quizá piense en tu piel, Maybe think of your skin,
quizá vaya pasando la mano por la corteza de los pinos, may be passing his hand over the bark of pine trees
quizá los años vayan cayendo como las gotas del grifo; years may be falling like drops of tap;
quizá los siglos. maybe ever.
Y quizá todavía te tenga entre los brazos, And maybe you still have the arms,
como ayer, como siempre. as yesterday, as always.

¿Oyes los montes? Do you hear the mountains? Puede que canten. You can sing.
Puede que se derrumben, May collapse,
que se acuerden de ti, que te nombren, they'll remember you, that you designate,
que inventen la palabra burbujeantes, nueva, ' invent the word sparkling, new, '
como el agua de los neveros despeñándose, like water tumbling snow patches,
como mi voz en medio de la noche. like my voice in the midst of the night.
-¿Duermes, amor? - Do you sleep, darling? "
No me contesta nadie. No one answers me. Sé que duermes. I know you sleep.
Bernia, como un gran perro bajo la luna, Bernia, like a big dog in the moonlight,
se acurruca a mis pies. curls up at my feet.
Oigo su palpitar estremecido. I hear your heartbeat trembled.
Ifach, allá a lo lejos, se nos hunde en el mar, Ifach, yonder, we plunged into the sea,
golpea las estrellas con su silencio. strikes the stars with his silence.
Más cerca, las luces chiquitinas, lentas y fieles de Guadalest. Closer, the lights little one, slow and faithful of Guadalest.
vuelvo a rozar tu sueño back to rub your dream
tu piel con luna, your skin with moon
los dos ríos lejanos de tus piernas. the two rivers in the distance of your legs.
Tú, montaña también, valle dormido, You, also mountain, valley asleep
mar toda tú. sea all you.
-¿Duermes, amor? - Do you sleep, love?
Gotea el grifo, ladra un perro Dripping faucet, a dog barks
infinito, remoto como la eternidad. infinite remote as ever.
Voy a ciegas, tanteo las paredes I blindly groping the walls
y los acantilados y los vientos. and the cliffs and winds.
Te amé, te estoy amando, te estoy llamando. I loved you, I'm loving you, I'm calling.
Sólo un eco de piedra me contesta: Only a stone echo answers:
Aytana, Chortá, Bernia... Aytana, Chorten, Bernia ...
La casa está vacía. The house is empty.
El silencio respira aquí, a mi lado. Silence breathes here at my side.

Definitiva soledad Final Loneliness

¿Oyes el mar? Do you hear the sea?
Eternamente estaremos escuchándolo. Eternally we are listening.
Lo llevaremos dentro como la sangre, como la paz We will take in and the blood, such as peace
como te llevo a ti misma. as you carry yourself.
Todo, todo irá acabando: la tristeza, la vida, Everything, everything will be running: the sadness, life,
la soledad tan grande en que me has dejado. loneliness so great that you left me.
Sólo el mar, amor mío, el mar sigue existiendo. Only the sea, my love, the sea remains.
Me asomo: lo contemplo desde esta tarde lenta, I look: I behold him here this afternoon slow
desde esta fría y herrumbrosa baranda From this cold and rusty railing
adonde no te asomas. not where you poke.

Amor, no estás conmigo. Love, not with me. ¿Ves el silencio en torno? Do you see the silence around?
Baja como las olas, Low as the waves
me roza como el río de tu piel, touches me like the river of your skin
se aleja para siempre. away forever.
Tú, mar, eterno mar de mi sueño, You, Sea, eternal ocean of my dreams
sueño ya tú, lejana, irremediable. sleep and you, distant, hopeless.

El viento te acaricia. The wind caresses you. Yo soy el viento. I am the wind.
Pero estoy solo. But I am alone.
Y tú, tú estás lejana. And you, you're away.
Sólo el mar te recuerda, te vive, te arrebata. Only the sea reminds you, you live, you away.
Siento tus labios, que es sentirte entera; I feel your lips, which is to feel full;
siento tu carne, calladamente mía. I feel your flesh, quietly mine.
Mis manos en el aire te dan vida, My hands in the air you breathe life,
y la playa, ya inútil sin tu huella, and the beach, and useless without your mark,
deshabitada y torpe se aleja como el día. uninhabited and awkward as the day away.
Sólo la tarde existe; Only the evening there;
existe y va muriendo. exists and dying. Unos dedos de espuma Foam Fingers
me agitan los cabellos; hair shake me;
unas hojas doradas por el sol van cayendo. golden leaves are falling by the sun.
Quizá son tus palabras, Perhaps your words,
quizá el cerco ya inútil de tus brazos. perhaps the siege of your arms useless.

Escucha, amor, te voy nombrando Listen, love, I'll appoint
como te nombra el mar. as you named the sea. Algún abismo Any gap
se quiebra no sé dónde, y este mar que respiro breaks do not know where, and this sea that I breathe
no es el mío Chick
con capiteles rotos y con mirto. broken with capitals and with myrtle.
Es tu terrible mar, tu ecuatoriana selva, It's your terrible sea, your Ecuadorian jungle
como tú, tormentosa; como tú, quieta, insospechada, dulce, like you, tormented, like you, still, unexpected, fresh
y otra vez angustiosa y arrebatada. and again agonizing and rapturous. Amor, Love,
me vas muriendo. I'll die. Este mar que era nuestro The sea was our
me mira indiferente. I look indifferent. Quisiera levantarme I would get up
como un viento tremendo as a tremendous wind
y sacudir las velas, descerrajar los brazos, and tossing candles, break open arms
morirme a chorros. die in spurts.
Pero sólo el silencio. But only silence. Yo, acodado en en el aire, I, leaning on the air,
contemplo tu recuerdo. contemplate your memory.
No hay más que arena. There is only sand.
La ciudad, a lo lejos, se desdibuja. The city, in the distance, fades.
Es un humo borroso como el olvido. Smoke is a blur as forgetfulness.
Ahora estiro los brazos y te busco. Now stretch your arms and look for you.
Aquí están nuestras rocas. Here are our rocks. El mar se mira en ellas; The sea looks in them;
también te busca. also looking for you.
Una estrella de mar va acariciando mi sombra: A starfish is stroking my shadow:
mi sombra que, sin la tuya, no es más que un pozo seco. my shadow that without you, no more than a dry well.
Esta tarde es como media vida: la media que me falta. This afternoon is an average life mean that I lack.
La que tú te has llevado. The one you you've been.
No, no has venido. No, you did not come.
Eternamente no vendrás. Forever will not come. Caerán constelaciones, Fall constellations,
se hundirán montes, siglos, tempestades, sink forests, centuries, storms,
y no vendrás. and will not come. Y yo estaré mirando And I'll be watching
lo que nos une todavía: el mar. yet what unites us: the sea.
Un buque remotísimo buscará el horizonte; A search for the ship far distant horizon;
pasará una pescador con sus cañas al hombro. pass a fisherman with his rod over his shoulder.
Sólo tú no vendrás. Only you will not come.
No vendrás nunca. Will never come.

Estrella de alta mar, márcame el rumbo... Sea star, Mark for the course ...

Estrella de alta mar, márcame el rumbo. Sea star, Mark for the course.
Puerta del corazón, dame cobijo. Door of the heart, give me shelter.
Enamorada miel, tenme en tus labios. Love honey, keep me on your lips.
Arrebatada luz, ponme en tus ojos. Raptured light, put me in your eyes.
Paloma en libertad, cédeme el vuelo. Paloma released, assignor flight.
Palmera, cielo al fin, hazme a tu imagen. Palmera, sky finally let me in your image.
Ámbito de mi fe, cólmame el gozo. Scope of my faith, cólmame joy.
Mujer y nada más, sé toda mía. Male and nothing else, I know all mine.
Tú, mi dolor, mi sed, mi sobresalto, You, my pain, my thirst, my shock,
mi júbilo y mi luz a manos llenas. my joy and my light with both hands.
Revelación total, regocijémonos Full disclosure, rejoice
Llave de mi ansiedad, dame la vida. Key to my anxiety, give me life.
Hoguera de cristal, torre encendida, ensimismada Bonfire glass tower on, self-absorbed
alondra de la tarde, Lark in the afternoon,
gloriosa claridad, lirio iniciado, milagro de la glorious light, lily started, miracle
paz y de la espiga. peace and Tang.
Dame la paz, la paz, tú siempre amada. Give me peace, peace, you always loved.
Para siempre la paz y la esperanza. Forever peace and hope.

Soneto de la ausencia Sonnet of the absence

¿Me oyes, amor? You hear me, love? Hay un fragor de trenes, There is a roar of trains,
o quizá de batanes o de espigas or perhaps fulling or spikes
que te aleja de mí. you away from me. No, no me digas No, do not tell me
que te irás para siempre. you'll leave forever. Los andenes Platforms

se despoblaron. were abandoned. Yo, regreso. I return. Penes Penes
por donde penes, corazón, no sigas, where penises, heart, stop,
no te sigas marchando. do not follow marching. Más fatigas More fatigue
y más amor perdido si no vienes. and more love lost if you do not come.

Ay, dolor, que yo sé lo que me pasa. Oh, pain, I know what happens to me.
Que mi casa sin ti ya no es mi casa, That my house without you is not my home
y el aire ni respira ni madura. and air or breathing or mature.

Que estás dentro de mí, pero no basta You're inside of me, but not enough
aunque te lleve hasta los huesos, hasta but take you to the bone, until
la misma pena que hasta ti me dura. the same penalty to you me hard.

¿Y a ti qué te diré, río del alma, cántaro de mi sed, jardín cerrado? "And I'll tell you what, river of soul, a pitcher of my thirst, enclosed garden?

¿Y a ti qué te diré, río del alma, cántaro de mi sed, "And I'll tell you what, river of soul, a pitcher of my thirst,
jardín cerrado? walled garden?
¿Y a ti qué te diré, mujer que dejas tu corazón al borde What do you tell yourself, let your heart woman on the verge
de mi vida? of my life?
Hasta ti llegaré y, entre las manos, tomaré viento y agua; Until you arrive and hands, I will wind and water;
luz y tierra, light earth
y amasaré nuestros dos nombres juntos. and knead our two names together.
Qué nuestra es la esperanza, que nos gana y nos pierde What is our hope that we win and we lose
cada día. every day.
Qué nuestra es la tristeza, que se escurre a lo largo de los What is our sadness, which runs along the
hombros y nos deja indefensos, solitarios. shoulder and leave us helpless, lonely.
Qué nuestro es el recuerdo, que nos une lo mismo que un What we remember is that unites us as well as a
abrazo. hug.
Qué nuestro es nuestro amor. What ours is our love. Con él estamos igual que With it we like
un niño con zapatos nuevos. a child with new shoes.
Qué nuestro es nuestro mundo: isla de guerra y paz, What ours is our world: the island of war and peace,
isla profunda Deep Island
hecha a la dimensión de nuestras almas. made to the size of our souls.
Qué nuestro es nuestro amor, What ours is our love,
Qué indescifrable, qué remoto, qué mío What indecipherable, what remote, what my

Qué mía que eres tú, qué mío el mundo, que mía mi verdad What mine who are you, what my world, my truth than mine
cuando te tengo. when I have.
Encontrándome en ti, me hallo a mí mismo. Finding myself in you, I am myself. Mi vida empieza My life begins
donde tú terminas. where you finish.
Mi vida es despeñarse, como un toro por las encrucijadas My life is falling headlong, like a bull at the crossroads
del misterio. mystery.
Mi vida es caminar, morirse a ratos, y comenzar de nuevo My life is walking, dying sometimes, and start again
la jornada. the day.
Pero tú eres la paz. But you're the peace. La paz ganada a pulso, a fuerza de The hard-won peace, by dint of
huracanes y batallas. Hurricanes and battles.
No hay victoria que valga si no arriesgamos nuestra propia There is no victory worth if you do not risk our own
vida life
Y la nuestra aquí está. And here's ours. Sin burladeros, jugando con el mundo Without Burladero, playing with the world
a cuerpo limpio. a clean body.
Amor es bello si la herida es honda. Love is beautiful if the injury is serious. Horademos la piedra Pierced stone
gota a gota. drop by drop.
Hay que aprender la paz de cada día. We must learn the peace of every day. Yo la aprendí I learned
en tus ojos. in your eyes.
Aprenderla y vivirla. Learn and live. Yo he aprendido a vivir a tu manera. I have learned to live your way.
No hay paz para quien lleva sus dos manos vacías de There is no peace for anyone who takes his two empty hands
esperanza hope
No hay paz para quien niega sombra o luz á su hermano. No peace for those who deny or light shade to his brother.
No hay paz para quien cierra el corazón, y calla si alguien There is no peace for anyone who closes the heart, and shut up if someone
llama a su puerta. knocks on your door.
Ni hay paz para la fuente que no mana, para el árbol Nor is there peace for the source that does not flow to the tree
sin fruta, without fruit
para el labio sin beso, sin perdón y sin fuego... for the lip with no kiss, no forgiveness and no fire ...
No, no hay paz para el hombre vacío de esperanza. No, there is no peace for man void of hope.

Haya paz para el hombre que te busca, como el campo Peace for the man who searches for you, as the field
la lluvia de setiembre. September rain.
Haya paz para el hombre que está solo, con su destino Peace for the man who is alone with his fate
a cuestas in tow
Haya paz y haya amor. There is peace and love. Romped los diques de la fe y de los Break down the barriers of faith and
besos, y ahogadme en sus dulces huracanes. kisses and sweet ahogadme in hurricanes.
Yo te llamo mujer, y te llamo ternura y fortaleza; y alegría I'll call you a woman, and I call you tenderness and strength, and joy
y dolor a un mismo tiempo. and pain at the same time.
¡Oh, región fabulosa de tus brazos! Oh, fabulous region of your arms! Aprenderemos a vivir Learn to live
de nuevo. again.
Dame tú luz, tu cumbre, tu destino. Give me your light, your peak, your destiny. Dame más, mucho más: Give me more, much more:
tu propia vida, pues sabes darlo todo a manos llenas. your own life, because you know give it all with both hands.
Eres incalculable como un mundo. You are invaluable as a world. Y tiernísima y frágil como And very tender and fragile as
un niño. a child.
Me sorprendes, me empujas, me acorralas, y entre los labios You amaze me, push me, I was cornered, and between the lips
te me mueres dócil. I will die docile.
Eres tú y eres yo. You are you and me. Todo es a un tiempo rabia de destrucción Everything is both destructive rage
y de ternura, and tenderness
de inexplicable y de gozoso hallazgo, de generoso encono inexplicable and joyful discovery, generous anger
de caricia. caress.
Nuestra vida se suma y se desborda. Our life is short and overflows. Mi encarnizada My fierce
soledad es tuya. Loneliness is yours.
Tu terquedad dulcísima y el agua de tu mirada triste son ya Your stubbornness and the water sweet your eyes are sad and
sangre en mi piel, ya son cascada. blood on my skin, and are cascading.
Somos un viento que en la vida clama, abriendo puertas, We are a wind that cries out in life, opening doors,
derribando muros, knocking down walls
levantando la niebla de los turbios callejones del hombre. lifting the fog of the shady alleys of man.
Aquí está nuestra lluvia de esperanza. Here is our hope rain. Somos la vida. We are life.
Detened el brazo que amenaza y conmina. Arrest threatening arm and bully. .. ..
Nada podéis, porque la tierra muere, pero nace otra vez. Nothing you can, because the earth dies, but is born again.
Somos la tierra que nos forma, nos une y nos libera. We are the land that forms us, unites us and sets us free.
Tierra de Dios, con fuego en el costado que incendia Land of God, fire that burns on the side
un corazón para dos vidas. a heart for two lives.

¡Qué terrible esperanza! What terrible hope! ¡Qué delirante gozo! What delirious joy! ¡Qué vértigo What vertigo
en el alma! in the soul!
¡Qué insumisión, qué cólera, qué fuego...! What disobedience, what anger, what fire ...!
Si fuimos dos, ya somos uno mismo. If we were two, and we are ourselves.

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Stuart Cable, Welsh musician (Stereophonics).has died he choked to death he was 40

Stuart Cable [1][2][3] was a Welsh rock drummer and broadcaster, best known as the original drummer for the band Stereophonics.
(19 May 1970 – 7 June 2010)

Cable was born in Aberdare on May 19, 1970. When he was 10, his father died. Thereafter, Cable and his elder[4] brother, Paul, were raised by their mother Mabel (born 1930) on her own.[1] Cable grew up in the close-knit village of Cwmaman near Aberdare,[5] He attended Blaengwawr Comprehensive School with his friend, Stereophonics singer-songwriter and guitarist Kelly Jones, who also lived on the same street.[6]Together with Kelly Jones' school friend Richard Jones, the trio began playing covers in working men's clubs from 1992, under the title Tragic Love Company. The band later changed their name to The Stereophonics after Kelly, searching for a different name, saw the word on a Falcon stereophonic gramophone in Cable's brother's bedroom which belonged to their father.[7] Dropping the "The" from their name, they were the first artists signed to newly formed record label V2, created by Sir Richard Branson.[8]

As part of the Stereophonics, Cable toured the world. He also played a number of notable gigs in his native Wales. Of particular note is the 12 June 1998 concert at Cardiff Castle and the 31 July 1999 concert at the Morfa Stadium in Swansea, shortly before the stadium was demolished. Both concerts were filmed live and released on VHS and DVD.

Cable also played for other bands, including as a vocalist for Rhondda band NailBombs. During 1992 they recorded the E.P. "Raw Sex for Breakfast" at Sound Space Studios in Cardiff, on which Cable sang lead vocals. After Cable fully committed to the Stereophonics, he was replaced by ex-Rag Dolls frontman J.J.Cruz.

He had been the temporary drummer for hard rock band Stone Gods, which was formed by former members of The Darkness, filling in in 2008 for Ed Graham who had left the band for health reasons.

Most recently, Cable had been drumming in his new Welsh band, Killing for Company [9], who were the first band to play the new Liberty Stadium in Swansea, supporting The Who.[8][10]

In 2002, Cable was given his own TV chat show, Cable TV, by BBC Wales. He was sacked by the rest of the band in September 2003,[11] because it was claimed he was spending too much time on his new media career at the expense of rehearsals.[12][8] After that, he had another television series of his own, Cable Connects (2005) and had his own radio show on BBC Radio Wales: Cable Rock.[13]

In 2005, Cable co-hosted the Kerrang! Awards,[14] and he also presented two shows on Kerrang! 105.2: the 'Cable and Caroline Show' with Caroline Beavon on Sunday mornings and "The Rock 'n' Roll Years" on weekday mornings until 2010.[15] In November 2007, he joined XFM South Wales and hosted weekend shows until the station was sold on 30 May 2008. After leaving Kerrang! Radio, in April 2010 Cable returned to BBC Radio Wales as the presenter of Saturday Night Cable, a show playing both old and new rock music. Cable interviewed Slash from Guns and Roses as a presenter and was scheduled to interview his favourite band, AC/DC, on the weekend following his death at the Download Festival (where his new band were also scheduled to play).[16]

Cable owned a flat in Cardiff Bay, and partly lived in Abernant, before moving to the neighbouring village of Llwydcoed in a Tudor-style house.[17] In 1999, he married Nicola[4] in Bridgend. Their son, Cian Damen, was born in 2001 in Cardiff.[18] In 2003 he had an affair with Welsh TV presenter Lisa Rogers.[19] Cable claims that it was differences between Rogers and Kelly Jones' partner Becka (Rebecca Walters) at the time which violently came to a head publically at a restaurant in Paris, eventually leading to his dismissal after he made a sarcastic joke about the incident the following day.[20] Around 2003, Cable and his wife divorced.[4] In April 2009 he had spoken out about being sacked from the Stereophonics and describes the moment they played in front of 80,000 people in Cardiff without him as "the darkest time of my entire life".[20] He had said, "Until that point in my life, I had never ever considered something as stupid as suicide, but that night I could really understand why people get depressed enough to do it."[20]He patched up his differences with Kelly Jones in 2009 and at the time of his death were in regular contact again.[6]

Cable released his autobiography in April 2009, entitled Demons and Cocktails - My Life with the Stereophonics.[21] In his autobiography, he stated that he was the son of Vince Cable and that he had been a hard drinker and drug user, particularly whisky and cocaine.[11] Cable professed that fame had "turned him into a coke taking zombie" and that the other Stereophonics members strongly disapproved of it.[11] According to Cable, who vowed to quit drink and drugs, "I moved back to my old village because if I didn't I'd have probably ended up dead or round the bend - or both".[11] Cable claims that he was a close friend of Dirty Sanchez star Matthew Pritchard, with whom he would enjoy wild parties and drugs.[20] Like former Stereophonics bandmate Richard Jones, Cable was also a motorcycle enthusiast and according to a neighbour was planning on a motorcycle tour of Spain.[22][6]

Cable was outspoken about child safety and backed a campaign named 'Stuart’s Campaign', established following the death of Cowbridge schoolboy Stuart Cunningham-Jones, who died aboard a school bus. He had said, "In this day and age every child should have the right to travel to and from school in absolute safety."[23]

Cable was found dead at his home in Llwydcoed (near Aberdare) at 5:30 am on 7 June 2010, aged 40.[1][2] His death came just hours after the Stereophonics played in Cardiff.[24] Cable was said to have been presenting on the radio at the same time that the Stereophonics were performing.[17] Later that weekend, he began drinking at the local pub, the Welsh Harp Inn, where he left his car, and walked home with friends to continue partying at his house.[25] On arriving home, he continued drinking and has been reported by friends to have choked to death on his own vomit during his sleep.[17] However, a post mortem is yet to be conducted to officially determine the exact cause of death.[17][25] South Wales Police had previously ruled out any suspicious circumstances being involved in the death.[3] His death came in the week that his new band Killing for Company released a new album and were set to play in front of 100,000 at the Download Festival the following weekend.[6] Cable is survived by his two children,[11] his brother and mother.[1]

To see more of who died in 2010 click here

Adriana Xenides, Argentinian-born Australian television personality (Wheel of Fortune), has died from ruptured intestine, she was , 54

Adriana+Xenides11Adriana Xenides was an Australian television personality. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina to a Greek father and a Spanish mother,[1] she moved to Australia as a child, and became well-known for her long-running role as the assistant host on Wheel of Fortune. She died in 2010 from a ruptured intestine, after several years of ill health.[2]
(1956 – 7 June 2010)

After moving from Argentina to Adelaide in her teens, Xenides gained a career as a model and was a finalist in the first Mrs South Australia contest in 1978.[3][4] After being approached by Grundy Television, Xenides joined Ernie Sigley as co-host of Australia's version of Wheel of Fortune in 1981.[3][5] She remained on the show for 18 years, working with Ernie Sigley, John Burgess (between 1984 and 1996), Adriana+Xenides2Tony Barber (1996) and Rob Elliott, and for 16 of those years – from 1981 to 1996 – she never missed an episode.[6][7] Xenides formally departed the show in 1999, and was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the longest running game show host.[8] She still holds the Australian record.[7]

Xenides' later television appearances were as a panelist on the talk show Beauty and the Beast, as a contestant on Celebrity Big Brother Australia in 2002, and a stint with her Wheel of Fortune co-host John Burgess on Catch Phrase.[2][9] In 1985 she presented the multi award winning promotional film "Adelaide Welcomes the World" produced by Kate Kennedy White and Peter Vaughton for the South Australian Film Corporation.

Adriana+Xenides3In 2006 Xenides was disqualified from driving for 18 months and put on a good behaviour bond after pleading guilty to dangerous driving causing grievous bodily harm. She had been involved in a head-on crash in which both Xenides and one of the other drivers involved in the collision suffered serious injuries. Xenides initially pleaded not guilty, blaming a combination of sneezing and sun glare, but changed the plea after her first court appearance.[10]

In July 2007, Xenides pleaded guilty to a charge of driving while under suspension, and was fined and banned from driving for an additional two years.[11]

Before her death in 2010, Xenides had suffered from an extended period of ill health. In July 2007, Xenides told Seven's Today Tonight programme that she had a gastrointestinal digestive disorder which had caused abdominal bloating to a size suggesting pregnancy and severe pain.[12] [2] Following Xenides's revelation, several other women around Australia came forward to report the same illness and they formed a national support group. Doctors were reportedly uncertain about the causes for this condition, suggesting that in Xenides's case it may have been genetic. She also claimed that the reason she drove her car while under suspension was so that she could get medication for the disease to prevent extreme pain.[13] Xenides stated that she had received controversial shock treatment for her depression which was of no help to her.[13]

Adriana+XenidesIn 2010, Xenides told Woman's Day magazine that she had suffered five heart attacks in the preceding two years.[2]

Xenides died in Liverpool Hospital, Sydney, on 7 June 2010 from a ruptured intestine. She had been admitted to hospital days earlier suffering from a stomach complaint.[2][14]

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Marvin Isley, American bassist (The Isley Brothers, Isley-Jasper-Isley), has died from complications with diabetes he was , 56

Marvin Isley .[1] was one of the members of the family music group, The Isley Brothers and a bass guitarist died from complications with diabetes he was , 56. Marvin Isley grew up in Englewood, New Jersey and graduated from Dwight Morrow High School in 1972.

(August 18, 1953 – June 6, 2010)

In the late-1960s, he formed a trio with older brother Ernie and brother-in-law Chris Jasper. By the end of the decade, the group joined the older half of the Isleys as its instrumentalists.

The instrumental lineup became official band members to the Isleys in 1973, resulting in platinum record success with the band's 3+3 album. For the next ten years, Marvin Isley played bass guitar on tracks including "Fight the Power (Part 1 & 2)",

"I Wanna be With You (Part 1)",

"The Pride, Pt. 1 & 2", "Don't Say Goodnight (It's Time for Love)",

"For the Love of You (Part 1 & 2)",

"Voyage to Atlantis", and "Between the Sheets".

The 3+3 lineup splintered into two groups in 1984, with the original Isleys carrying on as the Isley Brothers; while Marvin, Ernie and Chris formed Isley-Jasper-Isley. The group released three albums and had a US number one R&B hit single, "Caravan of Love".

In 1991, Marvin Isley returned as member of the Isley Brothers with Ronald and Ernie and carried on until 1997, when Marvin developed diabetes. He had both legs removed. Marvin was inducted along with his brothers to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in 1992.[1]

Marvin Isley died on June 6, 2010 from complications with diabetes at the Seasons Hospice within Weiss Memorial Hospital in Chicago, Illinois, at the age of 56.[2]

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Dana Key, American musician (DeGarmo and Key), died from a ruptured blood clot. he was 56

Dana Key was an American Christian rock guitarist, singer, and producer who was co-founder of the Christian rock group DeGarmo & Key, with keyboardist Eddie DeGarmo, who became best friends with him since the first grade, who also hails from Memphis, Tennessee, has died from a ruptured blood clot. he was 56. Key is a direct descendant (great-great-great-great-great-great grandson) of the famous Francis Scott Key, author of The Star-Spangled Banner.

(December 30, 1953–June 6, 2010)

DeGarmo & Key toured the world, headlining and opening with other major Christian Rock bands including Servant, Petra, Joe English, Amy Grant, Resurrection Band, Jesse Dixon, Mylon LeFevre and Broken Heart, and dc Talk (their roadie crew for a period). Dana released two solo albums as well.

Following retirement, Dana served as the head of Ardent Records, and hosted a TV show, featuring new, younger, Christian bands. Dana had been serving as the pastor of a small church in Cordova, Tennessee, The Love of Christ Church (tlc).

Dana Key died due to a ruptured blood clot on Sunday, June 6, 2010 at age 56, according to CCM Magazine's website.[1][2]


DeGarmo and Key
  • This Time Thru 1978
  • Straight On 1979
  • Stella This Ain't Hollywood 1980
  • No Turning Back: Live 1982
  • Mission of Mercy 1983
  • Communication 1984
  • Commander Sozo and the Charge of the Light Brigade 1985
  • Streetlight 1986
  • D&K 1987
  • Rock Solid—Absolutely Live 1988
  • The Pledge 1989
  • Go To The Top 1991
  • Destined to Win 1992
  • Heat It Up 1993
  • DeGarmo and Key 1994
  • To Extremes 1994
  • Greatest Hits, Vol. 1 1995
  • History Makers: DeGarmo & Key Collection 2003
  • The Journey: Walking with Jesus 1990
  • Part of the Mystery

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Herbert Hin Wong, American pornographic actor "Tom Dong", has died from a stab wound he was 30

Herbert Hin Wong was an American pornographic actor who performed under the stage name "Tom Dong". He was stabbed to death on June 1, 2010 by a man who police believed to be his roommate and fellow porn star Stephen Clancy Hill, stage name "Steve Driver". [1]

(died June 1, 2010)

Herbert Wong's movie credits include “Kristina Rose: Dirty Girl” (2008), “Hookers and Blow 3” (2008), “Cum Coat My Throat 5” (2008) and “Perverted Planet 4” (2009). [2]

Wong was living at the warehouse offices of Ultima DVD Inc along with fellow actor Stephen Hill, aka Steve Driver and several others. According to police reports, Stephen Hill had been told he was fired and was being evicted from the premises. The incident escalated, resulting in Hill attacking a man in the back of the building. Two others, including Herbert Wong, rushed to the victim’s aid and were cut with repeated swings of a movie prop Samurai-style machete. All three victims were rushed to Northridge Hospital Medical Center where Wong was pronounced dead. Wong was 30. [3]

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Stephen Clancy Hill, American pornographic actor and murder suspect, died when he commited suicide by jumping from cliff, he was , 34

Stephen Clancy Hill (Steve Driver) Porn Actor Dead – A pornographic actor named Stephen Clancy Hill aka Steve Driver went on a rampage last Tuesday and was on the run after being accused of murdering a co-worker named Herbert Wong. The actor who also tried to kill five other colleagues with a samurai sword, jumped off a cliff and died after a stand-off with the police over the weekend.

Herbert Wong was killed while trying to help his other co-workers escape the chaos created by Hill.
During the standoff, Stephen Clancy Hill, kept threatening to kill himself while cornered by the LA SWAT team that was trying to subdue him.He was surrounded by police for eight hours on the edge of Canoga Park.

The incident was recorded showing the actor holding a samurai sword when he was surrounded, and calling out to the police to keep back or he would kill himself.

In an attempt to end the standoff at Dusk, the SWAT team made their move to try to subdue Clancy and he threw himself over the 50 foot cliff, hit his head, and died of the fatal head injuries.
Stephen Hill performed in many porn films with the alias, “Steve Driver”. He also played Barack Obama in a spoof called “Palin: Erection 2008”. He also completed two films with Herbert Wong, the victim, with the alias, “Tom Dong”.
Hill’s murderous rampage was apparently set off when he learned that he was going to be fired.He was also living in his office and was going to be evicted.
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Dickey Betts died he was 80

Early Career Forrest Richard Betts was also known as Dickey Betts Betts collaborated with  Duane Allman , introducing melodic twin guitar ha...