/ Stars that died in 2023

Friday, March 26, 2010

Nicola Arigliano died he was 86

Nicola Arigliano died he was 86. Arigliano was a singer jazz Italian .

( Squinzano , 6 December 1923 - Calimera , 30 March 2010 )

 . Ran away from home for 11 years for the humiliations also received by relatives because of his stuttering and arrived in Milan , where he was welcomed there by fellow migrants [1] .

Si mise in luce, dopo le prime esibizioni a carattere locale, nel 1946 dai microfoni di Radio Bari , partecipando al concorso Il Paradiso dei dilettanti (organizzato dal compositore Vito Vittorio Crocitto e dal maestro Carlo Vitale ). Came to the fore after the first performances in local, in 1946 by the microphones of Radio Bari , for participating in the paradise of amateur (organized by composer Victor Vito Crocitto and teacher Charles Vitale ).

« Ho cominciato da ragazzo. "I started as a boy. Studiavo un po' di armonia , ero, anzi sono, un bachiano convinto, mi piace tutto di Sebastiano. » I studied a bit 'of harmony , I was, indeed are, a Bach convinced, I like everything about Sebastian. "

( Nicola Arigliano [1] ) (Nicola Arigliano [1] )
Negli anni successivi emigrò dal Salento , e dopo una lunga gavetta nei locali notturni del Nord Italia fu notato da un produttore televisivo che lo fece debuttare in scenette e numeri musicali in alcuni programmi di varietà . In later years he emigrated from Salento , in the ranks and after a long night clubs Northern Italy was spotted by a television producer who debuted in skits and musical numbers in some programs of variety .

La sua vita si divise tra musica e televisione. Her life was divided between music and television. I primi dischi datavano 1956 ed erano 78 giri , per lo più di canzoni napoletane, registrati per la RCA Italiana ; con il passaggio al 45 giri , ed alla etichetta Columbia , arrivò il primo successo con "Simpatica" , di Garinei , Giovannini e Kramer . The first disc datavano 1956 and were 78's , mostly to Neapolitan songs, recorded on RCA Italian , with the shift to 45 rpm , and the label Columbia , the first success came with "sympathy" of Garinei , Giovannini and Kramer .

Nel 1958 partecipò a Canzonissima e, successivamente, si fece notare in un programma televisivo dal titolo Sentimentale , condotto da Lelio Luttazzi , al quale partecipava come ospite fisso , insieme con Mina . In 1958 he participated in Canzonissima and thereafter was noted in a television program entitled Sentimental, led by Lelio Luttazzi , attended as the guest star, along with Mina . L'omonima sigla divenne un disco di successo, inciso da entrambi i cantanti in due versioni differenti. The initials of the same name became a hit record, recorded by both singers in two different versions.
Nel frattempo, Nicola Arigliano continuò a coltivare la sua grande passione, il jazz , e partecipò a festival ed a manifestazioni dedicate (ad esempio il Festival del jazz del 1959 , insieme a Franco Cerri ), e poté evidenziare il suo stile da " crooner " . Meanwhile, Nicola Arigliano continued to cultivate his passion, jazz, and participated in festivals and exhibitions which (such as the Jazz Festival of 1959 , with Franco Cerri ), and was able to highlight its style from " crooner " .

Di questo periodo sono i maggiori successi discografici: Un giorno ti dirò , Amorevole , I sing ammore , My wonderful bambina , I love you forestiera . Of this period are the most successful record: One day I'll tell you , Loving , ammore I sing , My wonderful little girl , I love you stranger . I titoli bilingui erano un vezzo degli autori di canzoni di fine anni cinquanta , che vedevano nella "canzone-cartolina" un mezzo per propagandare le nostre bellezze turistiche (un noto esempio di questo genere è Arrivederci Roma di Renato Rascel ). The titles had a habit of bilingual songwriters end fifties , who saw in "song-postcard" a means to advertise our tourist attractions (a famous example of this kind is Arrivederci Roma by Renato Rascel ).

Nel 1963 fu protagonista di un altro show del sabato sera, Il cantatutto , con Milva e Claudio Villa , in cui si divertiva a scambiarsi il repertorio con gli altri due colleghi e ad esibirsi in gag e scenette comiche. In 1963 he was involved in another show on Saturday evening, The cantatutto with Milva and Claudio Villa , where he enjoyed exchanging the repertoire with two other colleagues, and performing in skits and gags.

Nel 1964 partecipò al Festival di Sanremo con Venti chilometri al giorno ed al 12° " Festival della Canzone Napoletana " con il motivo di Nisa e Salerno "Si' turnata" , eseguito in abbinamento con Sergio Bruni . In 1964 he participated in the Sanremo Festival with twenty miles a day and the 12th " Festival of Neapolitan Song "by reason of Nisa and Salerno" This 'turn', run in conjunction with Carlebach . Successivamente iniziò una lunga e fortunatissima carriera come testimonial pubblicitario, che gli assicurò ottimi introiti anche quando i suoi impegni musicali si diradarono, con il cambio generazionale e l'avvento dell'ondata beat . Then began a long and highly successful career as a testimonial advertising revenue that ensures excellent even when his musical commitments are less frequent, with generational change and the coming wave beat .
Nicola Arigliano tornò sorprendentemente in televisione nel 1977 in alcune puntate di Non stop , una trasmissione di Enzo Trapani dedicata al cabaret : era un pistolero vestito di nero che "uccideva" gli artisti a rivoltellate, pronunciando la battuta: « Non voglio noie nel mio locale! ». Nicola Arigliano surprisingly returned on television in 1977 in some point of no sleep, a transmission Enzo Trapani dedicated to comedy : he was a gunman dressed in black who "killed" the artists to revolvers, saying the joke: "I do not want trouble in my local !.
Nel 1985 realizzò un disco dal vivo ( Mario Schiano presenta Nicola Arigliano al night club "Il Sorpasso" - Con l'orchestra "I Primi" ) nel quale, a dispetto del titolo, Mario Schiano non era presente: era, infatti, l'organizzatore di alcune serate musicali presso Castel Sant'Angelo a Roma per festeggiare il "sorpasso" del PCI sulla DC alle elezioni Europee del 1984 (donde il nome night club "Il Sorpasso" ); suonarono però nel disco alcuni tra i più noti jazzisti italiani, come il tastierista dei Marc 4 , Antonello Vannucchi , Gegè Munari alla batteria e Giorgio Rosciglione al contrabbasso. In 1985 released a live album ( Mario Schiano presents Nicola Arigliano the night club "The Overtaking" - With the orchestra "The First" ) in which, despite the title, Mario Schiano was not present: it was, in fact, ' organizer of several musical evenings at Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome to celebrate the "overtaking" of PCI on the DC to the European elections of 1984 (hence the name night club "The Overtaking"), but they played hard in some of the most famous Italian jazz musicians as the keyboardist Marc 4 , Antonello Vannucchi , Gege Munari on drums and George Rosciglione bass.
Nel 1996 vinse il Premio Tenco per il suo album I sing ancora . In 1996 he won the Tenco Award for his album I sing again .
Nel 2001 pubblicò Go man! , disco registrato dal vivo a Milano , con la presenza di alcuni tra i più noti jazzisti italiani: Franco Cerri , Enrico Rava , Gianni Basso , Bruno De Filippi , Renato Sellani e Massimo Moriconi . In 2001 he published as Go! , disc recorded live in Milan , with the presence of some of the best known Italian jazz musicians: Franco Cerri , Enrico Rava , Gianni Basso , Bruno De Filippi , Renato Sellani and Massimo Moriconi .
Nel marzo 2002 con la band di Ascolese prese parte ai festival jazz di Capodistria e Fiume . In March 2002 the band took part in jazz festivals Ascolese of Koper and Rijeka .
Nel 2003 prese corpo la proposta, avanzata da Fiorello , di avere Arigliano come ospite al Festival di Sanremo , allora condotto da Pippo Baudo ; poiché però il regolamento vietava ospiti italiani fuori gara, la federazione dei discografici (Fimi) si oppose, e svanì l'idea di un duetto fuori gara con Fiorello per la mancata adesione di quest'ultimo. In 2003 took shape the proposal made by Fiorello , have Arigliano as a guest at the Sanremo Festival , then led by Pippo Baudo , however, because the regulation prohibits Italian guests out of the race, the federation of record (FIMI) objected, and the vanished 'idea of a duet with Fiorello out of the race for any failure by the latter. Arigliano però vi gareggiò due anni dopo. But there Arigliano competed two years later. Nel 2005 , con i suoi ottantuno anni di età, è stato il cantante più anziano a partecipare ad un Festival di Sanremo : nell'occasione vi presentò il brano Colpevole , vincitore del Premio della Critica . In 2005 , with its eighty years of age, was the oldest singer to participate in a Festival of Sanremo : the occasion presents the song Guilty, winner of the Critics Prize . Nella serata del venerdì, quella delle versioni alternative, dopo l'esecuzione del brano in gara, che fu accompagnata da Antonello Vannucchi dei Marc 4 e Franco Cerri , gli fu permessa, grazie all'intercessione del conduttore Paolo Bonolis , una jam session con i suoi colleghi musicisti sulla base di On the sunny side of the street [2] . On the evening of Friday, that of alternate versions, after playing a song in the race, which was accompanied by Antonello Vannucchi of Marc 4 and Franco Cerri , he was allowed through the intercession of the conductor Paul Bonolis , a jam session with His fellow musicians on the basis of On the Sunny Side of the Street [2] . Il brano fu tuttavia eliminato dalle giurie e non ottenne la serata finale. The song was however deleted by the jury and did not get the final evening. Nell'estate dello stesso anno rivoluzionò il suo gruppo optando per una formazione senza pianoforte , che sostituiva con la fisarmonica e la chitarra : con questa versatile band ha aperto un periodo particolarmente attivo e fervido, riscuotendo dappertutto unanimi consensi. In the summer his group revolutionized opting for training without the piano , which replaced the accordion and guitar : this versatile band opened with a particularly active and ardent, receiving unanimous approval everywhere.
La sua ultima esibizione (con l'inseparabile Frank Antonucci alla chitarra, il Reverendo Otis al contrabbasso, Al Ventura alla fisarmonica e Santi Isgrò alla batteria) risale all' 8 settembre 2007 , in occasione del premio alla carriera che gli ha voluto tributare la sua Squinzano . His last performance (with the inseparable Frank Antonucci on guitar, the Reverend Otis on bass, Al Ventura on accordion and Saints Isgrò on drums) back to ' September 8th 2007 , during the lifetime achievement award that he wanted to bestow its Squinzano .
Nel 2007 , insieme ad un suo staff di collaboratori, ha inaugurato il suo myspace . In 2007 , along with his team of collaborators, has launched its myspace .
A gennaio del 2009 è uscito il primo di 3 CD, che si intitola L'altro Arigliano , ristampa di un suo album uscito nel 1980 , ampliato con alcune registrazioni più recenti. In January 2009 he released the first 3-CD, entitled The other Arigliano, reissue of an album released in 1980 , expanded with some more recent recordings. Un altro CD, My Wonderful Nicola , è uscito l'anno precedente. Another CD, My Wonderful Nicola, was released last year.
Saltuariamente si è anche cimentato come attore cinematografico ( La grande guerra , 1959 ; Ultimo tango a Zagarolo , 1973 ) e televisivo ( L'ispettore Giusti , 1999 ). Occasionally it has also tried his hand as a film actor ( The Great War , 1959 ; Last Tango in Zagarolo , 1973 ) and television ( The inspector Giusti , 1999 ).
È morto all'età di 86 anni nella notte tra il 30 ed il 31 marzo 2010 , presso il centro anziani "Gino Cucurachi" di Calimera , dove era ospitato da quattro anni [3] [4] . He died aged 86 on the night between 30 and 31 March 2010 , at the senior center "Gino Cucurachi" of Calimera , where he was housed in four years [3] [4] .

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Jaime Escalante, died he was 79,

Jaime Escalante died he was 79. Escalante was a Bolivian-born American school teacher who earned renown and distinction for his work at Garfield High School, East Los Angeles, California in teaching students calculus from 1974 to 1991. Escalante was the subject of the 1988 film Stand and Deliver, in which he is portrayed by Edward James Olmos.
(December 31, 1930 — March 30, 2010)

Jaime Escalante was born in La Paz, Bolivia. While living in Bolivia he taught physics and mathematics for nine years. In 1964 he decided to move to the United States. To prepare, he began studying science and mathematics at University of Puerto Rico. Upon moving from Puerto Rico to California, Escalante could not speak English and had no valid American teaching credentials. He studied at night at Pasadena City College to earn a degree in biology. He took a day job at a computer corporation (Burroughs Corporation), while continuing his schooling at night to earn a mathematics degree at California State University, Los Angeles where he studied calculus.

In 1974 he began teaching at Garfield High School, East Los Angeles. Escalante was initially so disheartened by the lack of preparation of his students that he called his former employer and asked for his old job back. Escalante eventually changed his mind about returning to work when he found 12 students willing to take an algebra class.

Shortly after Escalante came to Garfield High, its reputation had sunk so low that its accreditation was threatened. Instead of gearing classes to poorly performing students, Escalante offered AP (advanced placement) calculus. He had already earned the criticism of an administrator who disapproved of his requiring the students to answer a homework question before being allowed into the classroom. "He told me to just get them inside," Escalante reported, "but I said, there is no teaching, no learning going on".

Determined to change the status quo, Escalante had to persuade the first few students who would listen to him that they could control their futures with the right education. He promised them that the jobs would be in engineering, electronics and computers but they would have to learn math to succeed. He said to his students "I'll teach you math and that's your language. With that you're going to make it. You're going to college and sit in the first row, not the back, because you're going to know more than anybody".

The school administration opposed Escalante frequently during his first few years. He was threatened with dismissal by an assistant principal because he was coming in too early, leaving too late, and failing to get administrative permission to raise funds to pay for his students' Advanced Placement tests. This opposition changed with arrival of a new principal, Henry Gradillas. Aside from allowing Escalante to stay as a math teacher, Gradillas overhauled the academic curriculum at Garfield, reducing the number of basic math classes and requiring those taking basic math to concurrently take algebra. He denied extracurricular activities to students who failed to maintain a C average and new students who failed basic skill tests.[citation needed]

Escalante continued to teach at Garfield, but it was not until 1979 that Escalante would instruct his first calculus class. He hoped that it could provide the leverage to improve lower-level math courses. To this end, Escalante recruited fellow teacher Ben Jimenez and taught calculus to five students, two of whom passed the A.P. calculus test. The following year, the class size increased to nine students, seven of whom passed the A.P. calculus test. By 1981, the class had increased to 15 students, 14 of whom passed.

Escalante placed a high priority on pressuring his students to pass their math classes, particularly advanced calculus. He rejected the common practice of ranking students from first to last and instead frequently told his students to press themselves as hard as possible in their assignments. One of his students said, "If he wants to teach us that bad, we can learn."

In 1982, Escalante came into the national spotlight when 18 of his students passed the Advanced Placement calculus exam. The Educational Testing Service found these scores to be suspicious, because all of the students made the exact same math error on problem #6, and also used the same unusual variable names. Fourteen of those who passed were asked to take the exam again. Twelve of the 14 agreed to retake the test and did well enough to have their scores reinstated. In 1983, the number of students enrolling and passing the A.P. calculus test more than doubled. That year 33 students took the exam and 30 passed. That year Escalante also started teaching calculus at East Los Angeles College.

By 1987, 73 students passed the A.P. calculus AB exam and another 12 passed the BC version of the test. This was the peak for the calculus program. The same year Gradillas went on sabbatical to finish his doctorate with hopes that he could be reinstated as principal at Garfield or a similar school with similar programs upon his return.

Escalante was the ultimate performer in class, cracking jokes, rendering impressions and using all sorts of props -- from basketballs and wind-up toys to meat cleavers and space-alien dolls -- to explain complex mathematical concepts. Sports analogies abounded. A perfect parabola, for instance, was like a sky-hook by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. "Calculus Does Not Have To Be Made Easy -- It Is Easy Already," read a banner Escalante kept in his classroom.

1988 saw the release of a book Escalante: The Best Teacher in America by Jay Mathews (ISBN 0-8050-1195-1) and a movie Stand and Deliver detailing the events of 1982. During this time teachers and other interested observers asked to sit in on his classes. Escalante received visits from political leaders and celebrities, including then-President Ronald Reagan and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Escalante's dramatic success raised public consciousness of what it took to be not just a good teacher but a great one.

Escalante has described the film as "90% truth, 10% drama". He stated that several points were left out of the film:

  • It took him several years to achieve the kind of success shown in the film.
  • In no case was a student who didn't know multiplication tables or fractions taught calculus in a single year.
  • Escalante suffered a gall-bladder attack, not a heart attack. This distinction was clouded over in the film.

Over the next few years Escalante's calculus program continued to grow but not without its own price. Tensions that surfaced when his career began at Garfield escalated. In his final years at Garfield, Escalante received threats and hate mail from various individuals.[1]

By 1990, he had lost the math department chairmanship. At this point Escalante's math enrichment program had grown to 400+ students. His class sizes had increased to over 50 students in some cases. This was far beyond the 35 student limit set by the teachers' union, which in turn increased criticism of Escalante's work. In 1991, the number of Garfield students taking advanced placement examinations in math and other subjects jumped to 570. That same year, citing faculty politics and petty jealousies,[citation needed] Escalante and Jimenez left Garfield. He immediately found new employment in Sacramento, California's school system.

Angelo Villavicencio took the reins of the program after their departure and taught the remaining 107 A.P. students in two classes for the next year. 67 of Villavicencio's students went on to take the A.P. exam and 47 passed. Villavicencio's request for a third class due to class size was denied and the following spring he followed Escalante and quit Garfield. The math program's decline at Garfield became immediately apparent following the departure of Escalante and other teachers associated with its inception and development. In just a few years, the number of A.P. calculus students at Garfield who passed their exams dropped by more than 80 percent. In 1996, Angelo Villavicencio contacted Garfield's new principal, Tony Garcia, and offered to come back to help revive the dying calculus program. His offer was rejected.[1]

Unpopular with fellow teachers, Escalante won few major teaching awards in the United States. He liked to be judged by his results, a concept still resisted by the majority of his profession. The results were what mattered to him -- the young minds he held captive three decades ago are engineers, lawyers, doctors, teachers and administrators today.

Escalante didn't just teach math. Like all great teachers, he changed lives. Gang members became aerospace engineers. Kids who had spent their youth convinced their lives didn’t matter discovered that they were leaders.

He exposed one of the most dangerous myths of our time – that inner city students can't be expected to perform at the highest levels. Because of him, that destructive idea has been shattered forever.

In 2001, after many years of preparing teenagers for the A.P. calculus exam, Escalante returned to his native Bolivia. He lived in his wife's hometown, Cochabamba, and taught part time at the local university. He returned to the United States frequently to visit his children.

As of March 2010, he faced financial difficulties from the cost of his cancer treatment. Cast members from Stand and Deliver, including Edward James Olmos, and some of Escalante's former pupils, raised funds to help pay for his medical bills.

Jaime Escalante moved to Sacramento, California, which facilitated the commute to Nevada for his medical treatments.[2] He died on March 30, 2010, aged 79, at his son's home near Sacramento while undergoing treatment for bladder cancer.[3][4] He is survived by his wife Fabiola and his sons Fernando and Jaime Jr.[5]

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David Mills ‘'The Wire’ Writer died he was 49

Just weeks before his latest show Treme debuts on HBO, TV writer and producer David Mills has died of a reported brain aneurysm in New Orleans at the age of 49. Mills was head writer and producer on the show, which is about how a group of people of New Orleans rebuild their lives after Hurricane Katrina.
In additon to Treme, Mills


was an accomplished and award winning writer for such shows as the HBO miniseries The Corner, ER, Homicide: Life on the Street, Kingpin, NYPD Blue and was a story editor on the CBS drama Picket Fences.
Mills also worked closely for years with David Simon, creator of one of the best shows ever to grace television screens The Wire and who is also the creator of Treme. He also wrote for several newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post.
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Choi Jin-Young died he was 39

Another tragedic news from Korean Entertainment industry. Actor and singer (Sky) Choi Jin-Young was announced dead on March 29th, 2010 around 2:45 PM. He was first found in critical condition in his house and was quickly sent to Yonsei hospital where he was announced dead. There was a bruise around his neck area and it is assumed that he had commited a suicide. Choi Jin-Young was 39.

Choi Jin-Young is famous for being a younger brother of a Korean actress Choi Jin-Shil who also ended her life with her own will on October of 2008. Choi Jin-Young was very close with his sister Choi Jin-Shil. He was suffering from depression after her death and was taking the same anti-depression pills that his sister had taken. It is being told that Choi Jin-Young had committed to suicide at least once after his sister passed away. However, the assumed suicide seems to be a spontaneous one because Choi Jin-Young had an appointment to meet someone on the day of his death.

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Dickey Betts died he was 80

Early Career Forrest Richard Betts was also known as Dickey Betts Betts collaborated with  Duane Allman , introducing melodic twin guitar ha...