(5 September 1920 – 23 February 2011)

After his military service, Lartéguy worked as a war correspondent, particularly for the magazine Paris Match. He covered conflicts in Azerbaijan, Korea, Palestine, Indochina, Algeria, and Vietnam. In pursuit of a story, Lartéguy volunteered for the French Battalion and was wounded by an enemy hand grenade during the Battle of Heartbreak Ridge. In Latin America, he reported on various revolutions and insurgencies, and in 1967 encountered Che Guevara shortly before his capture and execution. In the July 1967 issue of Paris Match, Lartéguy wrote a major article entitled "Les Guerilleros", where he wrote: "At a time when Cuban revolutionaries want to create Vietnam's all over the world, the Americans run the risk of finding their own Algeria in Latin America."
In 1955, he received the Albert Londres Prize for journalism.
His experiences as a soldier and war correspondent influenced his writing. Some of the most emphasized topics in his writing are decolonization, nationalism, the expansion of Communism, the state of post-war French society, and the unglamorous nature of war. Several of his book titles were translated into English, with the most successful being his Algerian War series: The Centurions and The Praetorians. The former was adapted into a major motion picture in 1966, entitled Lost Command and starred Anthony Quinn.Also, with his novel The Centurions, Lartéguy is credited with being the first to envision the 'ticking time bomb' scenario, which has regained relevance in recent debates on the use of torture in a counter-terrorism role. His novels have been read by military professionals, to include General David Petraeus, in the new context of modern terrorism.
- La ville étranglée (1955)
- Les âmes errantes (1956)
- La tragédie du Maroc interdit (1957)
- Les dieux meurent en Algérie (1960)
- Les baladins de la Margeride (1962)
- Les mercenaires (1963) (Originally published as Du sang sur les collines, without success, reprinted with the new title after the success of Les centurions)
- Les chimères noires (1963), translated into English as The Hounds of Hell
- Guerre d'Algérie, two volumes
- Les centurions (1963), translated into English as The Centurions, adapted into film as Lost Command
- Les prétoriens (1964), translated into English as The Praetorians
- Le mal jaune (1965), translated into English as Yellow Fever, (Reprint of two previously published titles: La ville étranglée and Les âmes errantes)
- Un million de dollars le Viet (1965)
- Sauveterre (1966), translated into English
- Les guérilleros (1967)
- Les chimères noires (1967)
- Les tambours de bronze (1969), translated into English as The Bronze Drums
- Ces voix qui nous viennent de la mer (1969)
- Tout homme est une guerre civile, two volumes
- Le prêtre astronome (1969)
- Les libertadors (1970)
- Lettre ouverte aux bonnes femmes (1972)
- Les Rois mendiants (1975)
- Enquête sur un crucifié (1976)
- Tout l'or du diable (1976)
- Les rois mendiants (1977)
- Les naufragés du soleil, three volumes
- Le gaur de la rivière noire (1978)
- Le cheval de feu (1980)
- Le baron céleste (1982)
- Dieu, l'or et le sang (1980)
- Le commandant du nord (1982)
- Marco Polo espion de Venise (1984)
- Soldats perdus et fous de Dieu, Indochine 1954-1955 (1986)
- L'or de Baal (1987)
- Tahiti (1988)
- Le Roi noir, (1991)
- Mourir pour Jérusalem (1995), (non-fiction)
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